It’s the Great Pumpkin!

Today is such a great day. Not just because it’s Friday but because I get to cross at least one item off of my Fall To Do List. I went to a pumpkin patch! (Full Disclosure: A pumpkin patch wasn’t exactly on my original list, but it’s replacing the apple orchard because this year, we went to […]

Autumn Decor

With the changing seasons, I love to update my apartment decor in little ways to reflect the new season. Since it wouldn’t be very boxed wine of me to conduct a full-blown makeover, I’ve found inexpensive and little ways to make the apartment look a little more seasonally appropriate. I already shared a picture of […]

Fall To-Do List

Two weeks ago, I wrote down the top ten things I love about Fall. And as, you may remember, my summer manifesto didn’t exactly work out as planned. But new season, new goals. Calling it a manifesto sounded a little too demanding, so this season it’s a to-do list. Because if there is one thing […]