Halloween Hangovers + Surviving Sandy

No, Mom. I am not hungover. What I mean is that “Post-Halloween-Skin-Hangover” (n.  that neglected and abused way your skin feels the morning after you piled pounds of makeup and glitter). Since I was  dressed as a 5-year-old pageant queen, I needed more make up than I’ve ever worn. No picture accurately shows how much […]

Last Minute and Lust Worthy

Are you a level-5 procrastinator? Are you super busy and October just flew by? Whatever your excuse is for not having a Halloween costume perfectly planned, I forgive you for not planning a year in advance like me. And, I’m here to help. I’ve pulled together some fun, last-minute costume ideas that will give you […]

Fall To-Do List

Two weeks ago, I wrote down the top ten things I love about Fall. And as, you may remember, my summer manifesto didn’t exactly work out as planned. But new season, new goals. Calling it a manifesto sounded a little too demanding, so this season it’s a to-do list. Because if there is one thing […]