Simple and Savory

Last night, I was starving for dinner, had no food, and a blog post I wasn’t proud of. I was frustrated and hungry and the only thing I really wanted was goat cheese. So I searched around for a goat cheese recipe and found this incredibly easy recipe for savory phyllo tarts.

Monster asparagus needed to be chopped multiple times.

I added garlic to the phyllo, which the recipe doesn’t call for but you know me and garlic…

I used regular goat cheese and goat cheese with fig for a little extra sweetness.
Great choice, if I do say so myself.

Before the oven…

The second finished picture is actually the second one I made to bring for lunch today! It was such an easy and delicious dinner plus I have plenty of leftover phyllo sheets. I can’t wait to try out yummy new recipes with those.

Have you ever been pleasantly surprised by an easy new recipe?
Also, does anyone have some phyllo recipes to share? 

6 thoughts on “Simple and Savory

  1. I will seriously be making this ASAP! I just did a recipe for goat cheese and asparagus pasta that I’ll be posting soon so it’s like we’re connected somehow! Crazy right?

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