It’s the Great Pumpkin!

Today is such a great day. Not just because it’s Friday but because I get to cross at least one item off of my Fall To Do List. I went to a pumpkin patch! (Full Disclosure: A pumpkin patch wasn’t exactly on my original list, but it’s replacing the apple orchard because this year, we went to a new place that doesn’t have apple trees.) When I was home last weekend, my older brother, our two little “cousins” (you know what  I mean?) 15 and 8, respectively, and I piled into the car and went to pick the perfect pumpkin.

My perfectly round pumpkin. It’s the best pumpkin ever.

Guys. What is that? It looks like a watermelon and a pumpkin. #speechless

Totally forced both of them in there. I love these girls.

Children of the Corn (maze)?

And now, I leave you with what childhood looks like in one photo. Happy weekend.

4 thoughts on “It’s the Great Pumpkin!

  1. Looks like you had so much fun! I love being able to cross stuff off that fall list 🙂 The weather here has been awful so sadly we didn’t make it to the pumpkin patch this year, I had to resort to buying our pumpkins from the market. Have a great weekend Casey!

    xo jen

  2. John is on roadside assistance for work this weekend (he’s a mechanic and is on call 1 week each month 24 hours a day…ugh) but I’m really hoping we can still make it to a nearby pumpkin patch! I love your pumpkin and I seriously want one of those watermelon pumpkins, I’ve never seen anything like that before. Looks like you had a blast, how are you going to decorate your pumpkin?


    • Ah! That is such a crazy schedule! I hope you get to make it out there too! My biggest regret is not buying that watermelon pumpkin. I keep wondering what the inside looks like. That pumpkin is home with my parents in PA. Hopefully they carve out something cute! xx

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