Fall To-Do List

Two weeks ago, I wrote down the top ten things I love about Fall. And as, you may remember, my summer manifesto didn’t exactly work out as planned. But new season, new goals. Calling it a manifesto sounded a little too demanding, so this season it’s a to-do list. Because if there is one thing I love more than Fall, it’s crossing things off of lists.
1. Go apple picking in an apple orchard and take adorable pictures. (The last part is optional)
2. Bake an apple pie (on my own, for the the first time ever) using my hand-picked apples.
3. Carve pumpkins! (And make them really, really cute!)
4. Make everything pumpkin – from pancakes to muffins to pies to cookies. I want to make it all.
5. Update my fall wardrobe with more classic, work appropriate pieces.
6. Go hiking when the leaves are changing colors but before it’s too cold to go.
7. Go to a haunted house… or apartment, or loft, or whatever they do in cities.
8. Go an NFL game! (E-A-G-L-E-S! EAGLES!)
9. Nail my Halloween costume this year. I’ve been planning it for a while now, time to get to work!
10. Truly enjoy my favorite city during my favorite season.
Hanging with Thumper and Bambi, of course.
Tell me, what’s on your To-Do List this Fall?

6 thoughts on “Fall To-Do List

  1. I love this idea! I totally missed the summer bucket list bandwagon but I might have to draft something up for fall. I’d definitely add “deck out the house in crazy decorations for trick or treaters” to my list, because it’s my first Halloween living in a house and I’ve never decorated before. 🙂 Loving #2 also, I have never made an apple pie but want to give it a try this year. Alyssa at the Glossy Life has a great recipe for mini apple pies that she posted here if you want to check it out!


  2. Pingback: Hot Child in the City – Katz’s Deli | Champagne Dreams, Boxed Wine Budget

  3. Pingback: It’s the Great Pumpkin! | Champagne Dreams, Boxed Wine Budget

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